What are the benefits of Aloe Vera on your skin?
Aloe vera is one of the plants with the most applications in traditional dermo-cosmetics. All this is due to a myriad of unique properties that make this plant an invaluable raw material for the health and care of your skin.
From the leaves of this plant, a fatty or gelatinous liquid is extracted, which according to the numerous scientific studies that have been carried out around it, contains a large number of active principles, including aloins, aloeresins, saponins and lignin, as well as fiber, minerals (such as zinc, copper or calcium), vitamins E, C, A and amino acids.
All these components translate into numerous benefits for your health, among which stand out:
Improves healing:
Thanks to its antioxidant and moisturizing properties, aloe vera allows us to restore our skin from scars, bites or even stretch marks.
Relieves pain and inflammation:
It's analgesic and inhibitory properties allow aloe vera to have numerous benefits in controlling pain and discomfort, blocking peripheral nerve fibers in such a way that they do not allow discomfort to pass.
Stimulates coagulation:
Thanks to its high content of calcium, potassium and cellulose, aloe vera allows the formation of fibers, being very effective, for example, to combat varicose veins.
Protects our skin:
Thanks to its moisturizing and healing properties, aloe vera is a great ally against the effects of the sun, acting as a photoprotector, while stimulating the collagen and elastin fibers of our skin.
Prevents premature aging of our skin:
AloeVera acts as a natural wrinkle reducer because it hydrates and anesthetizes skin tissues, while its unique minerals and vitamins stimulate the production of new cells and expel non-beneficial bacteria.
Protects the hair:
Aloe Vera can be our great ally against alopecia, dandruff and seborrhea because it acts as a hair revitalizer.